Secrets of Grindea

Early access has been an interesting journey for PC gamers. At first it seemed like a great idea; buy into projects early, watch them develop over time and add feedback to help improve the final product. Then more and more games entered the fold; seemingly using the “early access” moniker to release unfinished with no promise of ever reaching that final milestone. People started to get jaded and began to question the entire service and how Steam could allow so many projects that would never get finished to release.
Secrets of Grindea won’t be one of those games. After releasing a successful beta demo a few months back the game has finally made its way to early access and is as fantastic now as it was then. The roadmap is clear as well; the developers have laid out exactly what they plan to do and to add, and crucially, when they plan to do it. That kind of transparency is lacking in so much of what developers are doing.